
Does your senior parent or loved one have issues with eating the wrong foods at the wrong time? Or maybe you just don’t have the time and energy to purchase and prepare the kinds of foods that they need and you need backup?

Hiring professionally trained caregivers might be the key to help your senior not only eat healthier but to free up some of your time so that you can concentrate on other things and not worry about your senior’s nutrition.

Here are 5 ways that hiring caregivers from a home care company can help you senior with their eating habits:

1. They can do the shopping.

Caregiver Silver Spring, MD:How Caregivers Can Help Your Senior with Their Eating Habits

Caregiver Silver Spring, MD:How Caregivers Can Help Your Senior with Their Eating Habits

Did you know that caregivers can do grocery shopping for or with your senior parent or loved one? Not only will they do the legwork, but you can give them a list and they will stick to it. Get your senior out of the house and give them a job to do by sending them along with a caregiver that will hand pick the ingredients for the meals that you want your senior to consume.

2. They can supervise your senior

If your senior is ever alone and can’t be trusted to stay away from foods that cause them digestive woes or other health issues, hired caregivers can supervise them so that you know they aren’t sabotaging any diets that they may be on. No more sneaky snacking or worrying about hidden foods!

3. They can enforce any restrictions

If your senior has any dietary restrictions or recommendations, caregivers can be trusted to enforce them. Whether it’s a low-fat, low salt, or gluten-free diet, let your caregivers know what your senior can and can’t have and know that they will do their very best to make sure that your senior gets only what they need. Some seniors even have life-threatening health conditions and food can play an important role in longevity and happiness for seniors.

4. They can prepare meals

So, they’ve done the shopping, they know what your senior can and cannot have, now they can take the time to prepare their meals as well. You won’t have to worry about your senior leaving the stove on, burning themselves, or struggling with recipes.

5. They can offer companionship

If your senior tends to get lonely and uses food as a vice, maybe having caregivers with them on a daily basis when you cannot be there will help curb their cravings and control their food impulses.

If you were on the fence about hiring help, and your senior has issues with food, consider giving senior care a try! Food issues can take up so much of our time and be a huge problem when abused. Hired caregivers are trained in senior issues and can help make sure that your senior is happy, safe, and getting only the best care and nutrition that they deserve.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering a Caregiver in Silver Spring, MD please contact the caring staff at Nest & Care today at (240) 226-3310.

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