
Silver Spring Home Health Care

Medication Administration

Medication Assistance & Reminders

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Nursing Services – Medication Administration in Montgomery County, MD

Medication Reminders for Silver Spring seniors

Medication administration in Montgomery County, MD

Taking medication as prescribed is a vital part of treatment for patients whose care plans include medication. Not taking medication usually leads to various setbacks, including hospital readmissions and longer recovery time. In the worst-case scenario, it could lead to death.

Unfortunately, many patients, elderly or not, fail to stick to their medication routine for various reasons. For some, it is because they don’t understand the instructions thoroughly. For others, it is forgetfulness. Still, some will knowingly refuse their medicines, citing unpleasant side effects.

At Nest & Care, we have realized that most seniors make mistakes when taking their medications. While some of these mistakes are relatively harmless, there are those that can be dangerous or even life-threatening, such as overdosing or forgetting to take certain drugs at the right times.

Our Medication Administration is meant to help seniors and other patients who may require the service stick to their medication regime as planned by their health providers. This not only means taking their medications but also the right medicine at the right doses and time.

Through this service or program, our licensed nurses administer medication as the patient’s physician prescribes. Some of the services that come with the program include, but are not limited to:

  • Medication education based on diet, drug interactions, and diagnosis
  • Administration of oral medication
  • Administration of IV therapy
  • Administration of IM injections
  • Administration of Pain Medication
  • Our caregivers can remind our clients to take medicines, but only a Licensed Nurse can administer medication.

To learn more about our Medication Administration Solutions, give us a call at (240) 226-3310 or send us a message at care@nestandcare.com.

Silver Spring Nursing Care


In-Home Assessment

Allow us to make an assessment of your current environment and living conditions so we can provide the care that perfectly fits your needs.

Silver Spring Home Care Caregiver

Careers at

Nest & Care

Take your home care career up a notch by joining our team of experienced individuals who are dedicated to providing high-quality assistance.

How Silver Spring Home Health Care Works

Your Personalized Care Starts Here

Personalized and dedicated Silver Spring and Bethesda home care solutions are provided to the pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations respectfully and professionally. You can rest assured that the assistance given to our clients is meant to improve their current lifestyles and conditions.


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Call (240) 226-3310 to describe your needs

Call our Care Advisor to discuss your care needs, skills, requirements, and schedule.


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Schedule an in-home assessment with an RN

Our in-depth assessment will allow us to create a personalized care plan.


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We carefully match you with the right caregiver

We take into consideration skill sets, personality, and schedule to provide the perfect match.


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Stay up-to-date through our online portal

Use your private Family Portal access to view your loved one’s care notes and care plans.

Silver Spring Home  Home Health Care


Learn How To Choose

The Right Home Care Provider

Finding the best agency for your loved one takes time, careful research and conversations about home care preferences. Download this free e-book to help you navigate your way through home care.

  • Signs your loved one needs home care
  • Decision-making process
  • How to search for a caregiver
  • Questions to ask when talking to different agencies
  • The average cost of home care in Maryland
  • Different ways home care is paid for

Know when is the best time for a loved to receive home care in Silver Spring, if it is the right type of care your family needs, and how to navigate through it.

Silver Spring Home  Home Health Care

Nest and Care Silver Spring - Bethesda Home Health Care

Call (240) 226-3310

10411 Motor City Dr Suite 325, Bethesda MD

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