
Your mom still cooks, but she has a harder time chopping ingredients. With a chronic condition like arthritis, joint pain makes certain activities and routines far more challenging. Now that your mom cannot chop, grate, dice, or peel, she’s letting her nutrition slip.  

You’ve been going over to her house and cooking meals for her. It’s hard balancing your work hours, meal preparation for her, and chores you have in your own home. You’ve cut back on things you enjoy doing to fit everything in. Is there a better way? 


Do the Prep Work for Her

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Elder Care in Cabin John, MD: Meal Prepping with Seniors

Instead of going over each night to cook, consider doing all of the prep work for a week’s worth of meals. You can do this at her house or your own. Place each item in a container or freezer bag and note what it is.  

Keep a calendar to keep track of daily meals and number them. Note the numbers on the bags you place in the refrigerator or freezer. Your mom will refer to this.  

If she’s in the mood for a chicken stir fry, she can get out the bags of chopped vegetables and chicken slices and make it herself. You could help more by having rice already cooked and in the freezer. 


Separate and Freeze Meats in Marinades 

Save time by marinating meats while they’re in the freezer. If your mom loves garlic and lemon baked chicken, trim chicken breasts of any bone pieces and extra fat. Place each breast into a small freezer bag. Make a large batch of lemon and garlic marinade and divide that into each chicken package. 

On days your mom wants to bake or grill a chicken breast, she just needs to thaw on. It’s already trimmed and marinated, which will save her time and eliminate prep work. You can do this with any meat, tofu, or vegetable. 


Let Caregivers Cook Her Meals 

Is there a better option for meals? You don’t want your mom ordering takeout all of the time. You don’t have the time to go over each night and cook for her. Elder care can take care of her meals for you.  

Talk to your family about hiring caregivers to shop for groceries, prepare meals, and clean up the kitchen after. Your mom enjoys healthy meals throughout the week when she has elder care aides. You’ll feel less pressured to do all of their prep work on the days you can visit her. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Cabin John, MD please contact the caring staff at Nest & Care today at (240) 226-3310. 

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