
If you’ve considered asking your senior to stop driving, you might have realized that conversation can go sideways pretty quickly. It’s important to approach things from the angle you’re truly concerned about, which is her safety.

Keep the Car Running Safely

Elderly Care Kensington, MD:Four Ways to Keep Your Senior Safe Behind the Wheel

Elderly Care Kensington, MD:Four Ways to Keep Your Senior Safe Behind the Wheel

The car itself needs to be as safe as it can be if your elderly family member insists on continuing to drive. You may want to talk to your senior about her plans for maintaining the car, especially if it’s an older vehicle. Basic maintenance is important, as are more complicated types of maintenance, like changing and checking belts and fluids like transmission or brake fluid that aren’t checked often by car owners.

Exercise Keeps Her Strong Enough to Keep Driving

If your elderly family member has been putting off starting an exercise program, now is the time. As she loses muscle strength and tone, it’s more difficult for her to keep driving. By talking to her doctor about how much exercise she can do and starting an appropriate plan, your elderly family member may be able to build up her strength and maintain her flexibility enough to be able to continue driving safely.

Senior Driver Training Programs Are a Great Idea

Defensive driving programs can serve several benefits for your senior. The most obvious is that they teach her about driving defensively, which can help her to be a safer driver overall. Her insurance company may also give her a discount for taking these types of training programs. Try to look for one that is geared toward older drivers, because they have a lot of safety information and training that she can use now.

Have a Conversation with Her Doctor

It might be a good idea to talk with your senior’s doctor about whether it’s safe for her to be driving at all. You might have noticed some behaviors or habits that have you concerned, and it’s a good idea to get her doctor’s opinion on how much longer she should really be behind the wheel. The answers can help you and your senior to formulate a plan for the future.

It’s also a good idea to talk to your senior about the possibility of limiting her driving in certain circumstances. Having an option for her, such as letting elderly care providers drive during rainy weather, can give her the opportunity to keep driving but know that she can always lean on someone else if she’s not up to it.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elderly Care in Kensington, MD please contact the caring staff at Nest & Care today at (240) 226-3310. 

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