
It’s not always easy to tell when an older adult needs elder care to assist them at home. That can be especially true when you’re close to the situation. When you see the senior regularly, you may not notice a gradual decline until things reach an emergent situation. The clues that your aging relative needs elder care may be subtle, so knowing what to look for can help. Below are some signs that an older adult needs elder care to live comfortably and safely at home. 


Unkempt Appearance 

Elder Care Germantown, MD: Seniors and Elder Care

Elder Care Germantown, MD: Seniors and Elder Care

Observe the way the older adult looks and dresses. Do they appear disheveled? Are their clothes dirty? Perhaps their hair looks dirty or hasn’t been combed. They may also have body odorWhen older adults stop paying attention to personal hygiene, it can be a sign that they are having cognitive issues. It may also mean that they cannot care for themselves for some reason. They might have arthritis pain in their hands that makes it hard to do grooming tasks. Or, they may have become too weak to carry laundry to the washer, so they are wearing dirty clothing over and over 


Elder care providers can assist with the issues that keep seniors from taking care of themselves. An elder care provider can help the older adult to dress in fresh clothing each day, comb their hair, and brush their teeth. They can also help the senior to bathe or shower. Elder care providers can even do laundry. 


Empty Cupboards and Spoiled Food 

Take a peek in the senior’s cupboards and refrigerator. Are they empty or nearly empty? Is there expired food? These can be signs that the person is having trouble feeding themselves. Perhaps the problem is that they cannot get to the grocery store. Or, they might not be able to cook because of a physical or cognitive impairment.  


Elder care can aid the senior in getting to the grocery store and shopping by offering transportation and walking through the store with them while pushing the cart and lifting items from shelves. Elder care providers can also cook healthy, balanced meals for your loved one. 


Missed Medication Doses 

Does it seem to take longer before your aging relative needs to have their prescriptions refilled? Have you noticed a worsening of symptoms in an existing condition they are receiving treatment for? This could mean they are forgetting to take their medications.  


Elder care providers can remind seniors when it is time for them to take medication, resulting in fewer missed doses and better disease management.  


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Germantown, MD please contact the caring staff at Nest & Care today at (240) 226-3310. 

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